The two-month-long agitation against the proposed bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh by the UPA Government has turned violent in Vizianagaram, 60 km from here, a historical town from where the Andhra Pradesh Congress Committee President, B. Satyanarayama, hails.

Curfew was imposed late on Saturday night. However, samaikhyandhra (united AP) agitators came out into the streets on Sunday, in spite of the prohibitory orders, and they made vain attempts to attack the properties of Satyanarayana.

PCC president Satyanarayana incurred the wrath of the public in his home town and his properties were attacked on Saturday and there were pitched battles between the police and the agitators. Rubber bullets were used to disperse the agitators. But the infuriated mobs were not deterred.

Satyanarayana had made statements in the past that there was nothing wrong if there were two states - Telangana and AP - for Telugu-speaking people and the public in Vizianagaram was also infuriated by his recent pronouncements. Even though he too had expressed his support for a united AP overtly, the public suspect him of striking secret deals with the Congress high command to divide the state.

Satyanarayana is perceived to be “a traitor to the cause of a united Andhra Pradesh” in sharp contrast to the AP Chief Minister, N. Kiran Kumar Reddy, who came out openly opposing the Congress High Command's decision to bifurcate the State.

The Chief Minister publicly urged the High Command to reconsider the decision.

Power supply disrupted: Power supply was disrupted in the State as the joint action committee of the electricity employees began an indefinite strike from Sunday morning. The Narla Tata Rao Thermal Power Station at Vijayawada is presently generating only 200 MWs or so against its usual capacity of 1,750 MWs. Power supply to several coastal districts and other parts of AP was disrupted.

The movement of trains was also affected on the Vijayawada-Chennai, Vijayawada-Visakhapatnam routes. The railway authorities cancelled several goods trains and passenger trains. Some of the important trains were operated on diesel engines.
