Squally weather has been forecast over the South-east Arabian Sea and Lakshadweep as a depression from erstwhile severe cyclone 'Gaja' sped away from Central Kerala. India Met Department (IMD) has also forecast rainfall in most places over Kerala and Lakshadweep with heavy to very heavy rains at isolated places until tomorrow as the tail of the depression lashes the area.

Kerala witnessed a weather system of the strength of a rare deep depression over its central parts and adjoining interior Tamil Nadu yesterday, before it weakened into a depression. It is not usual for the state to host such a system in its interior though more intense weather systems, including cyclones, have darted along the nearer waters often in the past.

The depression was located about 20 km east-north-east of Kochi by yesterday evening, from where it moved nearly westwards and emerged into the South-east Arabian Sea. Squally winds with speed reaching up to 50 km/hr and gusting to 60 km/hr are likely over South-east Arabian Sea and Lakshadweep area during the next two days. The sea condition will be 'rough' to 'very rough' (waves of heights up to 20 ft) and fishermen are advise not to venture into the sea during this period.

Meanwhile, the IMD has forecast fairly widespread to widespread rainfall over Tamil Nadu and South Peninsular India with intense rainfall activity over Tamil Nadu from Wednesday to Friday. This is attributed to a fresh low-pressure area likely shaping up over central parts of South Bay of Bengal by tomorrow evening.