Mumbai, October 06, a conversational artificial intelligence company based in Bengaluru, today announced the launch of Kisan Awaaz telephony bot.

The company says the bot is in line with Gnani’s vision to build a Conversational AI platform. claims the bot is accessible on both feature phones and smartphones. It also comes with an interactive response capability and will collect feedback through a standard questionnaire.

The Kisan Awaaz telephony bot is currently available in Hindi and can be accessed by dialing 080-68100058. also intends to make the bot available in other vernacular languages as well.

Speaking on the announcement, Ganesh Gopalan, CEO, and Co-founder of said in an official statement: “Launch of Kisan Awaaz Telephony bot is an important initiative in bridging the gap between technology and its adoption among masses. We believe Speech Recognition is a perfect example of how technology can be made simple and accessible and can be used for creating a platform with a purpose (beyond commercials).”

Commenting on the bot, Ananth Nagaraj, CTO, and Co-founder of said in the official release: “Gnani’s in-house ASR and NLP engines will be used to transcribe and analyse every single interaction between farmers and the bot and will help derive significant insights into their current understanding and feedback or issues with the Farm Bills.”

He added: “The Kisan Awaaz Bot has the potential to reach a larger audience in a short span of time and will help understand the general opinion and feedback about the Farmers Bill.”