The YSR Congress Government is firmly implementing its poll promise of imposing prohibition in the State in three phases, according to Chief Minister Y.S Jaganmohan Reddy. “In just six months after my Government assumed charge, liquor sales are drastically down in the State”, he said.

He was speaking during the debate on certain amendments to the Excise Act in the State Assembly on Monday. He said the Government had reduced the number of wine shops from 4,380 to 3,456 in just six months and shut down all belt shops (unauthorised outlets) and permit rooms. "There has been a drastic reduction in consumption of IMFL and beer, ranging from 25 per cent to 50 per cent in the State during the past few months, as the figures show. Still, the TDP leaders persist in making baseless allegations," he said.

He gave vent to his anger against Telugu Desam leader Atcham Naidu for allegedly misleading the House and said a privilege motion would be moved against him. During the TDP regime, he alleged, the excise officials were set monthly targets for increasing liquor sales.

He said that by the end of five years liquor would be available only in five-star hotels in the State and otherwise there would be total prohibition, as promised by him during the padayatra and election campaign. De-addiction centres would be set up in each district, he added, and non-bailable cases would be filed against those transporting liquor illegally.