In view of the increasing number of Covid patients in Maharashtra, the State Health Department on Tuesday directed industrial and medical gases manufacturers in the state to supply 80 per cent of their oxygen for medical use and 20 per cent for industrial use.

A press statement issued by the State Health Department said a notification has been issued, and it will be applicable across the state till June 30.

The statement said Covid patients in the state are in dire need of oxygen for treatment and in view of the daily increase in the number of patients, manufacturers have been instructed to increase the production of oxygen for medical purposes many times over. Oxygen supply in the state will be monitored to ensure smooth supply to the hospitals.

The statement pointed out that priority should be given to the supply of oxygen to hospitals. Clear instructions have also been given to supply more than 80 per cent of the oxygen if required by the hospitals. The Commissioner of Health and the Commissioner of Food and Drug Administration would oversee the implementation of the order at the state level.