Production resumed at the Jawaharlal Nehru Pharma City (JNPC) units at Parawada in Visakhapatnam district on Thursday after the Telugu Desam Party State Vice-President, Mr B. Satyanarayana Murthy, and others called off the hunger strike.

The strike was called off following an agreement on rehabilitation package to the project-hit people.

The TDP leader began the hunger strike on Monday, and it took a serious turn on Wednesday when the agitators stopped production at the units in the pharma city.

There was tension at the spot and an agreement was arrived with the developer of the pharma city, Ramky group, late Wednesday night (early hours of Thursday). 

As sought by the public of the Tadi village in the vicinity of the pharma city, the management agreed to relocate and rehabilitate the villagers at a more congenial place.

Also, 500 jobs were promised to the fishermen of Mutyalammpalem whose livelihood had been adversely affected by the pharma city. 

Mr Satyanarayana Murthy, a former Minister, and three other TDP leaders called off the fast after in-charge Joint Collector, Mr Venkat Reddy, signed an agreement with JNPC CEO, Mr Lal Krishna, and local villagers during early hours of Thursday. In the agreement, the developer also promised stringent measures to control pollution.

A meeting is to be held in Hyderabad on July 13 to decide whether Ramky, the government or both, will bear the expenses towards relocation of 500-odd pollution-affected families of Tadi village.

JNPC is a joint venture between the AP Industrial Infrastructure Corporation and Ramky group set up after a concession agreement in 2003.