For the first time since its inception in 2009, the Aquatic Quarantine Facility (AQF), a premier institution of RGCA-MPEDA, received 3,600 numbers of L. vannamei (Whiteleg shrimp) broodstock imported by India’s shrimp hatchery operators from Hawaii in June, through rigorous quarantine measures.

The import of broodstock, which came as a single consignment from a single source, was facilitated by a chartered flight by six hatchery operators on June 4. The broodstock were successfully quarantined for five days and handed over to the hatchery operators with 97.12 per cent survival on June 8.

MPEDA Chairman KS Srinivas said the SPF (Specific Pathogen Free) status of all the broodstock was confirmed by screening of OIE (World Organisation for Animal Health) and non-OIE-listed pathogens. Although the broodstock arrived at the airport 10 hours later than the scheduled time, the strict bio-security protocol followed in the AQF ensured their successful quarantining and high survival percentage.

“The dedicated and positive efforts of the AQF team ensured better survival of the brooders during these difficult times of quarantine, and such an initiative was highly appreciated by the hatchery operators and farmers,” he noted.

Srinivas said the remarkable feat would play an important role in sustaining the shrimp farming sector in the country. He also appreciated the help rendered by the Coastal Aquaculture Authority for the successful operation of AQF in these difficult times.

India holds second position in shrimp production in the world mainly due to L. vannamei species, and Chennai-based AQF has rendered unstinted service in supporting the Whiteleg shrimp farming sector in the country.

Opened to hatcheries

“During the Covid-19 pandemic and prolonged lockdown, AQF was made open to the hatchery operators in May and meticulous planning was done to accommodate maximum hatcheries and import maximum broodstock to ensure that the hatcheries get adequate brooders to produce seeds,” he said.

AQF is operated by the Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Aquatics, an institution under the MPEDA. At present, there are 20 cubicles for quarantining 4,12,500 L. Vannamei broodstock a year and an average 2.5 lakh of broodstock are being quarantined in the AQF every year. It has so far quarantined more than 15 lakh Whiteleg shrimp broodstock imported by shrimp hatchery operators in the country.

The facility also caters to the quarantining of Post Parental Larvae (PPL) of Whiteleg shrimp and of imported broodstock of P. Monodon (giant tiger prawn or Asian tiger shrimp) as well.