Teachers in Karnataka feel that 53 per cent students do not possess skills required for employment, according to Pearson Voice of Teacher Survey 2015.

The survey was conducted in 34 cities in the state and carries significant insights and possible solutions from teachers that can aid the government’s deliberations on themes such as employability, industry collaborations and integration of ICT in the framework for the New Education Policy.

Teachers’ concern “On the occasion of Teachers’ Day, the teaching community has collectively voiced their opinion on the employability quotient of the Indian students and gave critical recommendations for the formulation of New Education Policy,” said Deepak Mehrotra, Managing Director, Pearson India.

National data In the national wide survey, the data shows that teachers consider 57 per cent of the Indian students to be educated but not adequately prepared for employment. The respondents called for increased industry academia collaboration, particularly for course restructuring (75 per cent), to help boost employability.

Mehrotra said “Interestingly, the teaching community (44 per cent) expressed the need for industry training for teachers in addition to merit-based industry internships (48 per cent) for students.”