On the first day of June, Ahmedabad witnessed vehicles queuing up at traffic signals following re-opening of government and private offices, businesses and shops after being through 68-days of different layers of lockdown.

After the first and complete Covid-19 lockdown that was imposed on March 25, the Gujarat Government from June 1, lifted most of the restrictions allowing business and social life in the State breathe easy.

The State's decision came in after the Union Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) gave out the guidelines for phased lifting of the nationwide lockdown - Unlock-1. However, the number of Covid-19 cases continued to surge in Gujarat with no signs of slowing down.

Cases on the surge

On Sunday, Gujarat added 438 new cases and 31 more deaths taking the total number of positive cases to 16,794 and 1,038 deaths. Of the total 16,794 cases reported in the State, 5,837 are active with 61 on ventilator and the rest being stable. So far 9,919 people have been discharged, as per the ICMR guidelines.

Ahmedabad district is the worst-affected. It added 299 cases in the 24-hours ending Sunday evening with total 842 deaths. The cases are doubling at 20 days in Ahmedabad, and the same is true for the State too.

Re-opening Gujarat

In its 'Unlock-1' guidelines for the phased re-opening, Gujarat government has allowed industries to operate with 100 per cent capacity with mandatory safety SPOs, all private offices, government offices banks, service centers/repair shops, barber shops/salons, tea/coffee shops, under strict compliance of social distancing and standard safety protocols.

All the economic activities are permitted between 8 am to 7 pm. A night curfew remain in place during 9 pm to 5 am.

For the transport, there are no restrictions on goods transport for inter-state or intra-state movement. While the State government has also allowed all private vehicle movement including cars with only two passengers and a driver, State Transport buses, city buses (with 60 per cent capacity), private buses (with 60 per cent capacity), auto rickshaw (driver +2 passengers) and two wheelers.

While announcing the Unlock-1 guidelines, Chief Minister Vijay Rupani had said, "Coronavirus is very much present. But we need to allow economic activities carefully. We must try to normalise the situation with due care and safety measures."

Masks are made compulsory in public places, workplaces and during transport. A fine of ₹200 has been fixed for the violations.

However, it is advised that vulnerable population including people with age above 65 years, children below 10 years, pregnant women, persons with co-morbidity remain indoors.

Following the MHA guidelines, Gujarat will also re-open its religious places, malls, hotels, clubs after June 8 under the strict compliance of the prescribed SOP.

Containment areas

For the containment zones, only essential services are allowed between 7 am to 7pm. The government has also announced a list of micro-containment zones with specific areas put under containment. The list is dynamic in nature and will be updated periodically. Ahmedabad city has total 46 micro containment areas with population of 69,624 living in 14,160 households.

Based on the outbreak and concentration of the cases, the State has identified total 923 areas across the State having a population of 21,32,832 in 4,79,419 households.