Atrimed Pharmaceuticals, a Bengaluru-based plant-based medication company, has announced that three of its samples tested positive against SARS-CoV-2 in the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR ) designated laboratory and the developed drug will be available as oral medicine.

The company said it leverages proven antiviral and plant-based medicinal expertise to evaluate the new approaches for treating the Novel coronavirus disease (Covid-19). It also develops phytomolecule drugs for viral infections and other diseases.

Commenting on the breakthrough Dr Hrishikesh Damle MD & CEO said, “Based on our proven track record in virology and our capabilities in rare diseases, we believe our core competencies position us well to discover a potential treatment for Covid-19, and we are delighted to establish that three molecules out of ten submitted are passed the test and ready for human/clinical trial for developing drug for the treatment of Coronavirus.”

These molecules were ready for scientific research in the month of March 2020 itself but took so long for clearance. “Our decision to initiate a drug discovery for Covid-19 is a natural evolution of our work and mission. Regional Centre for Biotechnology has recognised and approved three effective plant molecules against Covid-19, and further studies will begin shortly,” he added.