In an historic moment for the Indian Railways, its coach production unit Integral Coach Factory (ICF) unveiled the indigenously-developed engineless trainset (codenamed Train 18) on Monday.

The electric locomotive has been integrated into a bogie, as in an Electric Motor Unit.

After getting clearance from the Research Design and Standards Organisation, Lucknow, this trainset will replace the popular Shatbadi trains

Initially, two trainsets have been ordered by the Railways and they will be on trial between Delhi and Bhopal, replacing Shatabdi trains, said an official.

Railway Board chairman Ashwani Lohani inaugurated the trainset at the furnishing division of ICF, which has spent nearly ₹100 crore on this project. Speaking to newspersons he said four more trainsets will be manufactured at ICF. “This is the most modern trainset that will change the face of train travel in India,” he added.


ICF employees were elated. “It is a step towards manufacturing bullet trains at ICF,” said an employee. “It will be a game-changer for the Railways,” said a senior ICF official.

The trainset that can touch a maximum speed of 160 kmph was developed at nearly half the cost that usually goes into similar developments.

The 16-coach train will have the same passenger- carrying capacity as a Shatabdi. It will be 15-20 per cent energy-efficient compared with the conventional electric-powered locomotive trains.