Disappointed with most bikers preferring paying penalty to wearing helmets, Ranchi police have adopted a different way to prick the conscience of the offenders by garlanding them.

“When fines failed to move helmet-violators who preferred paying up a fine to wearing helmet, we have started garlanding the offenders,” the Superintendent of Police, Mr R.K. Prasad, said here today.

The police expect that the latest “flowery-treatment” would shame the traffic-violators for life and would never forget to wear the protective-gear in future.

The traffic police personnel are stopping the bikers riding without helmets to garland them and requesting with folded hands to wear helmet.

“As the latest treatment is happening before camera men, and things would get published in newspapers and shown on TV channels, we hope they will never forget to wear helmet in future,” Mr Prasad said as the police marked Traffic Awareness Week since yesterday.

Another police officer said, “In some cases, the offenders would call up from mobile to some connections to escape even fines. And this novel way will also stop the ignominy of a traffic police watching the offender calling up an influential source to let him free.”