“Our own research says consumers in India are loving the information overload that is upon us. They like the idea of getting information about products and brands from online media and sharing it with friends. Even the older consumers seem to be happy to get more information. So age is not a barrier for getting information. Once the consumer is Net-savvy, they are quite happy accessing information and sharing it. This is a huge opportunity for brands to target messages and provide additional information to their consumers and prospects.”

Deal flaunting: Best known to haggle for prices, Indian consumers take pride in flaunting ‘sale’ deals and taking pride in them.

“Wealthy to Well – Indian consumers are now realising the need to be ‘well’. So investing in wellness products and lifestyle is another trend. There is a general view that we need to look beyond income and wealth, at human development, the quality of the environment. Today’s consumer feels belonging to a wider community and the satisfaction that derives from participation in the broader society are important to well-being.

“Flaunting national and cultural heritage – Consumers are emphasising their connection to their Indian-ness. It’s a time when everyone wants to be associated with Brand India. Our age-old traditions, symbols and lifestyles that were earlier underplayed are now a source of pride.

“Transparency – There is news of scams all around. In such an scenario, consumers want corporates to reach out with pro-active information.

“Data Mining/Data Intelligence – Know your consumer. He expects you to know about him much more than you now do, his preference for products, his lifestyle and so on.

“Customer views and suggestions play an important role in the way a company operates. For this you need proper data mining that will enable you to design products and services according to his needs.”