I always feel very anxious before any meeting, including our weekly departmental brainstorming sessions in the office. How do I deal with this anxiety? Is there something wrong with me?


No, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you. It’s just that you’re keen to put your best foot forward, and are afraid you may not. I suggest the following steps:

Meditate daily, 3 times a day, to train your brain to let go of its stress-response and relax. Sit comfortably, eyes closed, and silently command each part of your body, toes upward, to relax. Put your attention on the spot you’re addressing. Spend a few more seconds with your brain, telling it to relax.

Be over-prepared for any meeting, then you know there’s nothing to worry about.

Take 10 deep breaths before entering the conference room.

Watch the person who looks most relaxed and easy-going, and take your cue from him/ her.

Think lovingly of how you can contribute to the purpose of each meeting. “What can I give?” should predominate, not “How will I appear?” Just be a pure giver of goodwill, appreciation, and approval, and things will proceed pleasantly.

My blood fasting sugar is 220. It was a shock! Please advise what I should do.

— Smita P.

Please don’t worry. Study what causes blood-sugar to rise and rid yourself of that cause. When you eat fatty food, which your body is unable to deal with, fat collects in the muscle cells. This gives rise to insulin resistance, making the sugar hang heavily in the blood. Now, you know the cause — fat. So, just eliminate all fat from your diet and you’re fine. Here’s how:

Cook all your favourite meals without oil, ghee, or butter.

Switch to low-fat milk. Avoid butter, cheese, paneer , ice cream, and shrikhand .

Cut out red meat. Have chicken or fish in zero-fat curry once a month maximum, to minimise fat in your diet.

Eat plenty of vegetables: tomatoes, onions, French beans, spinach, okra, cauliflower, cabbage, sweet potatoes, and carrots. In fact, add vegetables to your dal and roti . This way, you ensure a high-fibre diet that lowers blood sugar levels.

Go for a 20-minute brisk walk daily. Gradually increase to 40 minutes. This helps burn body fat.

Overall, take this as an opportunity to become lean, fit and healthy. Be willing to experiment with, and accept, new tastes. A year down the line, you will look back and say proudly, “I did it!” It really pays to be mentally flexible.

Is it possible that my headaches are due to overusing my mobile phone? Does it also cause sleeplessness?

— Salma N.

According to a Swedish survey, yes, mobile phones can cause headaches and sleeplessness due to their radiation. I suggest you speak on your landline when at home. Also, keep your mobile phone in another room when you sleep to minimise the radiation effect. Alongside, have your eyes checked, as eyestrain can give rise to a headache too. And drink a cup of warm milk to help you sleep.

I’ve suddenly realised how negatively I think! I read that negative thoughts can make you fearful and depressive. Is that true? How do I stop being negative? Please help me.

— Nitin D.

What you read was absolutely correct about negative thoughts making one fearful and depressive, and that’s why I’m glad you’ve become aware of your thoughts. Employ these three simple techniques, step by step:

When any negative thoughts — angry ones, critical bites, scornful words and so on — arise, say firmly, aloud or silently, “Stop!” The thoughts will stop instantly. Next…

Infuse positive thoughts. Have some stock sentences ready so that the negative thoughts cannot re-enter. Examples: “It’s a beautiful life. I am a powerful soul. Love surrounds me. I am full of energy! Joy abounds in me!” Make such words your thought-anthems. Always think of something nice or kind to say about everybody and all situations.

Run to release. From personal experience, I can tell you that stagnant energy can cause black pessimistic thoughts to intrude. Give positive expression to that energy — run or walk until you feel a sense of release, or clean your desk and cupboard of all clutter. Suddenly, everything will be full of light.

I constantly suffer from colds and coughs. A few times I was down with bronchitis where I was wheezing. I’m tired of taking antibiotics and chewing lozenges. Is there any natural remedy I can have daily that could prevent me from falling ill?

— Manohar V.

I recommend ajwain as it is good for a range of problems — to take away the wheeze, to expel phlegm, and clear congestion. It even helps flatulence that can be caused by antibiotics. Roast it, chew it, and let it chase away your cough and bronchitis. You can also boil it in water and drink it hot.

The writer is co-author of the book Fitness for Life.

Queries may be sent to life@thehindu.co.in