A cancer awareness initiative hosted by the Grace Cancer Foundation has been recognised by the Guinness World Records.

The city-based Foundation had organised the 'Grace Cancer Run' virtually on October 10, which attracted over a lakh participants from 115 plus countries.

The global cancer awareness drive had caught the attention of the World’s official chronicler of records and achievements, the Guinness World Records.

“The Records acknowledged by Guinness World Records are for accruing ‘Most live viewers for a female health awareness lesson on YouTube as part of Cancer Awareness Drive’ and for ‘Most videos of people running/ jogging uploaded to Facebook in one hour as part of Cancer Awareness Drive,” according to a release.

A dream of creating Cancer awareness conceived seven years ago has achieved unprecedented success and well beyond our imagination. What we accomplished with over a lakh participants in over 115 countries is huge and overwhelming and are enormously gratified with the fact that we could reach out and sensitize millions across the globe,'' Chinnababu Sunkavalli, CEO, Grace Cancer Foundation said.