Since it was announced as part of the Union Budget last financial year, the software industry body Nasscom and others have begun campaigns around the ‘100 smart cities’ initiative.

Even countries like Israel and the US seem happy to pitch in. With one of Europe’s leading innovation and research centres, VITO, striking a technology and business cooperation deal with Valluri Technology Accelerators (VTA) on Tuesday, there’s a pertinent step in a helpful direction.

Cost-effective solutions

“Our agreement with VITO will help us bring in multiple technologies in areas where India needs a number of interventions. The attempt is to have cost-effective, workable solutions to the country’s biggest challenges in sustainability,” said Venkatesh Valluri, Founder and Chairman, Valluri Technology Accelerators. Valluri is the non-executive Chairman of Ingersoll Rand India.

Technical consultancy

The deal with VITO involves cooperation on a range of programmes covering smart cities, clean technology, and environmental sustainability in India. By offering technical consultancy in partnership, the two companies will help develop technological concepts and know-how in the fields of land use, energy, water, waste and pollution, and healthcare.

“A classic electricity producing company is not used to having to solve sewage problems. But we’re looking at integrated technology-driven solutions that drive profitability too. In the end, if sewage is cleaned and clean water is the result of that, and energy can be generated, that’s a solution that comes from integrated technologies,” said Dirk Fransaer, CEO, VITO.

According to Valluri and Fransaer, the right cost effective technologies being applied where India needs intervention will have a positive impact on society while also creating multiple manufacturing opportunities. This can boost the ‘Make in India’ campaign, too.

Environmental constraints

“There is a fundamental rethink happening across the world on resource consumption targets that reflect environmental constraints. There is increasing recognition that resource efficiency and security are critical to future economic competitiveness and resilience – for countries and companies alike,” Valluri said.

Efforts will go into utilising capabilities among India’s existing clean tech companies, but also redesigning process and technology where required.

The agreement allows Belgium-based VITO to enter a new geography after establishing its foothold in China.