A depression suddenly spinning up in the backyard of Sri Lanka and and headed towards peninsular India is not a usual phenomenon.

This is what is currently unfolding with a depression off Sri Lanka likely cutting a west-northwest track to become a deep depression, and entering the Comorin (Kanyakumari) region by tomorrow.


India Met Department (IMD) located the system this morning in the sea 80 km east-south-east of Hambantota in Sri Lanka and 500 km east-south-east of Kanyakumari on the Indian peninsular tip.

It would cross Hambantota by noon today and cross the entire island of Sri Lanka past Colombo, the capital, to enter the Comorin Sea tomorrow.

The IMD has forecast rainfall at most places over South Tamil Nadu for the next two days with heavy to very heavy rainfall at isolated places.

Rainfall has also been forecast at most places over South Kerala, with heavy rainfall at isolated places until tomorrow and isolated heavy to very heavy rainfall the day after tomorrow.


The Lakshadweep Islands would likely be lashed by rainfall at most places, with heavy to very heavy rainfall at isolated places on Friday and Saturday.

Squally winds reaching 45-to-55 km/hr and gusting to 65 km/hr are likely along and off South Tamil Nadu and South Kerala during the next two days and over the Lakshadweep Islands and adjoining sea areas on Friday and Saturday.

The sea would be 'rough' to 'very rough' along and off South Tamil Nadu and South Kerala during the next two days and over the Lakshadweep Islands and adjoining sea areas on Friday and Saturday.

Fishermen along and off the South Tamil Nadu and South Kerala coasts are advised not to venture into sea during the next two days and those along and off the Lakshadweep Islands, on Friday and Saturday.