The BRICS countries have decided to “collaborate and promote” access to comprehensive and cost-effective prevention, treatment and management of the non-communicable diseases (NCD).

Noting that around 80 per cent of all deaths caused by NCDs are in low and middle-income countries, a meeting of Health Ministers from BRICS (Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa) countries have recognised the need for more research into social and economic determinants leading to such diseases.

The Ministers held detailed discussions on providing universal health coverage to people of BRICS countries, which have 43 per cent of the world’s population. The Ministers felt that BRICS countries could change the face of NCDs by dealing with issues of diet, exercise, tobacco products and the harmful effects of alcohol.

“The initiative of South Africa in forming a health commission to comprehensively deal with the risk factors by involving all relevant stakeholders is a welcome step,” said Health Minister, Ghulam Nabi Azad, in his concluding remarks.

Azad said the proposal for establishing a combined observatory and undertaking collaborative research will lead to concrete solutions. He added that BRICS countries would have to involve sectors like water, sanitation, transport and industry to ensure success in achieving universal health coverage.
