Microsoft's India-origin Chief Executive Officer Satya Nadella extended his solidarity with the African-American community over the recent killing of unarmed civilian, George Floyd by a policeman, which has led to massive protests across America.

Nadella said there was no place for hate and racism in the country and society "must do more."

Sharing a post uploaded by an employee at Microsoft, Nadella wrote: "There is no place for hate and racism in our society. Empathy and shared understanding are a start, but we must do more. I stand with the Black and African American community and we are committed to building on this work in our company and in our communities."

Nadella’s post follows that of other leaders of tech giants, including Google’s Indian-origin CEO Sundar Pichai and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

Pichai tweeted: “Today on US Google & YouTube homepages we share our support for racial equality in solidarity with the Black community and in memory of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery & others who don't have a voice. For those feeling grief, anger, sadness & fear, you are not alone.”

Mark Zuckerberg has promised 10 million dollars to non-profits working for racial justice.

"We stand with the Black community - and all those working towards justice in honour of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and far too many others whose names will not be forgotten," he said on Sunday.

Intel Corp, Netflix Inc, and International Business Machines Corp have also joined the leaders in voicing their condemnation of racism prevalent in America and to mourn Floyd's death, NDTV reported.