Vande trains surge ahead

This refers to the article ‘The making of Vande Bharat Trains’ ( May 22). The article was informative. The fact that Vande Bharat Trains do not require locomotives because of their distributed power across the coaches is an unique feature.

The new braking system and the improvised regenerative braking through which the trains generate power and when brakes are applied, the system feeds back power into the supply system is something very unique. While deploying the variants — VB sleeper, VB Metro and VB freight trains — Railways must give priority to uncovered sectors.

RV Baskaran


Much ado about nothing

Apropos ‘Currency Quandary’ (May 22), it was intriguing to learn that a large number of kirana shops, retail outlets, petrol stations, and transport companies are not accepting ₹2,000 notes, leaving customers with no option but to take their currency to banks for exchange or depositing them.

But why are people is such haste to use ₹2000 notes when enjoy the status of a legal tender. Moreover, people also have enough time till September 30, 2023 to get back their ‘face value’, as guaranteed by the RBI Governor.

But how come ₹2,000 notes which had, of late, become a rare commodity, are making a sudden reappearances in the public domain?

Sadly, Indians are adept at complicating any public oriented issues instead of meticulously following the relevant guidelines. The issue seems to be getting blown out of proportion by some “vested interests”.

SK Gupta

New Delhi

Demon 2.0 is welcome

Demonetisation version 2.0 is procedurally correct as it has a long deadline for exchange.

The procedure involved in exchange of ₹2000 note is not elusive. Because most citizens ostensibly do not have the ₹2000 note, which remains legal tender, the few who have them can dispose of it by spending it rather than depositing it in banks.

Within a certain limit, one can also easily change a portion of it at banks. So, like many ordinary citizens, governments, and institutions, the ₹2,000 will die with a lot of hope but little achievement, most likely because it worked with the wrong people and for the wrong cause.

Most people will gladly let it go a few romantics and collectors will keep some mementos, and in a few months, we will forget about its brief six-year existence.

Vijaykumar HK


Poll promise riders

This has reference to “Karnataka poll promises of freebies now come with riders”(May 22). If the intention of the new government is to rationalise the very concept of freebies it’s welcome and to be supported.

Distribution of items free or at concessional price is inevitable and even in developed countries this practice is in vogue. However the governments should bring in restrictions for the distribution and the ratio of Public debt to Gross State Domestic Product is not less than 25 per cent in any state which is high.

The state governments providing freebies try to gain political mileage taking a heavy toll on the exchequer. States with poor financial condition do not have this luxury, which is not fair. This does not give a level playing filed for all parties.

M Raghuraman
