Income inequalities

This refers to ‘India’s unequal growth journey’ (December 15). In spite of the government helping the poor through various schemes and cash transfers, the income disparity between the rich and the poor has widened. This is reflected in the Gini coefficient of inequality, which increased from 74.7 in 2000 to 82.3 in 2020.

This rising gap in distribution of income and wealth creates social tension and can lead to unrest in the country. It is time the super-rich did more for the poor and supplemented the efforts of the government.

YG Chouksey


Reducing poverty

The coronavirus and related issues have widened income inequality in India. The poor have been further pushed into poverty with job losses due to closure of units. Although the government ensured free ration to the poor during the pandemic, pulling them out of poverty will require creating jobs by investing in health, education, infrastructure, and farming. With every step of economic growth and development, jobs are created and the people can be lifted from poverty.

For example, by building roads, construction workers, engineers and labourers will get jobs. And, in the same way, by encouraging tourism, people in and around tourist sites can earn money as guides, handicraft vendors, etc. Hence, it’s not subsidies and freebies but development and economic growth that will reduce poverty and income inequalities.

Veena Shenoy


Infra gap in logistics

Apropos ‘Bridging the gap in logistics infrastructure' (December 15), India ranks 44th globally in the Logistics Performance Index, which is not encouraging news. Though major efforts are going on to expand the highway network under NHAI, there’s still a long way to go to reach global standards.

While initiatives like increased allocation for logistics-related infrastructure and Mission Gati-Shakti for multi-modal connectivity are steps in the right direction, a few more steps are needed to give a boost to the ongoing logistics activities. First, in tune with the recently introduced Vehicles Scrappage Policy in creating an ecosystem to phase out unfit and polluting vehicles, inducting wide-bodied freight vehicles with lengthy axles, similar to those in the West, will help in increasing the freight carrying capacity.

And, second, expediting the commissioning of the Eastern and Western Dedicated Freight Corridors will help decongest the existing rail network and allow the rakes to carry higher loads at a higher speed.

RV Baskaran


Women leaders

This refers to ‘Leena Nair is the new CEO of French luxury brand Chanel’ (December 15). It is indeed a matter of pride to see one more Indian woman reach the top of the corporate ladder abroad. While we appreciate and recognise leaders like her and Indira Nooyi, Indian Inc must also encourage and promote women leaders without any gender bias.

Real empowerment will happen only when more women get top jobs here in India as well.

Bal Govind


Protecting depositors

This refers to ‘RBI unveils PCA framework for NBFCs effective Oct 2022’ (December 15). Since its inception, the RBI has been playing a proactive role in institution-building and protecting the interests of savers and borrowers. The multiplicity of institutions, the diverse interests of stakeholders and the federal system of government have made the task of supervision and regulation of the financial sector quite demanding for the RBI.

The tendency to circumvent regulatory requirements by various stakeholders, as observed in the recent controversies involving cooperatives, has added to the challenge.

The RBI may have to equip itself for a closer surveillance of institutions accepting public deposits, purveying credit or providing services outside the banking sector, as any issues in these institutions could affect the banking system sooner than later.

MG Warrier


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