This refers to ‘In search of corporate angels’ by Vinay Kamath (From the Viewsroom, October 31). The issues of mis-governance and corporate fraud are universal. But how law-enforcing agencies deal with such issues, matters. In the case of Rajat Gupta, he had already come back home after serving his term.

This shows how swiftly the trial was conducted, punishment awarded and jail sentence completed. In India, it takes years even to complete trial. Ramalinga Raju and nine others are on bail and their sentences have been suspended. It is more than seven years since the Satyam scam broke out.

S Kalyanasundaram


Everyone is good till he/she becomes bad. What ultimately matters are the persons involved in managing the affairs of the company. The corporate tussle between Ratan Tata and Cyrus Mistry may not be a one-off episode, but what is disturbing is the way it was handled. Ratan Tata should have handled things in a more diplomatic and transparent way.

RS Raghavan


Shameful wastage

This is with reference to ‘Curbing food wastage in a hungry world’ by Bedanga Bordoloi (October 31).When smaller countries are moving forward in terms of education and technology, we are still stuck at fulfilling the basic needs of people. Successive governments have not been willing to take initiatives to build good storage systems to store our bumper stocks; petty politics have ruled over decisions regarding hunger-related problems. This is pathetic from a country that boasts of becoming a superpower.

Lack of political will and good transportation are among the reasons for people going hungry even when there is a bumper production. Lack of coordination among States regarding distribution/sharing of excess, political interference and the lethargic attitude of our ministers play havoc with our economy. India cannot boast of being a superpower when millions of children are malnourished and there are hunger-related deaths.

Veena Shenoy

Thane, Maharashtra

A lot of food waste takes place in our own kitchens. Restaurants with oversized portions and overstocked buffets are also part of the problem.

The problem can be solved by planning. Over-buying should be curbed. Meal plans, cooking the right amounts, making shopping lists and a little restraint can go a long way in curbing food wastage.

S Muthulakshmi

Virudhunagar, TamilNadu

Destructive path

Separatists and outlawed outfits are hell-bent on taking Kashmiris on the path of destruction. Omar Abdullah is right in condemning the separatist forces, but his criticism of the State government is politically motivated. Politicians of all hues must unite to combat anti-State, anti-national elements. Abdullah blames the government as if nothing happened during his regime. The State government should withdraw the protection to separatist leaders. They must be treated as anti-nationals.

KV Seetharamaiah

Hassan, Karnataka

Death traps

The consumption of liquor and the mania for lotteries are death traps for the poor and ignorant of Kerala. It is not campaigns and awareness programmes that are needed to check the danger but strict law enforcement.

KA Solaman

Alappuzha, Kerala

Judges’ appointment

The appointment of judges in the higher echelons of the judiciary cannot be made in a partisan manner. . An independent judiciary is the bedrock and central pillar of a society governed by the rule of law. Any political system refusing to allow the primacy of the judiciary slides into authoritarianism. What is at issue is whether the Government can drag its feet indefinitely in giving a nod of approval to the Supreme Court without valid reasons. Will the Government take the reprimand in the right spirit and clear the hurdles for appointing the judges as speedily as possible?

G David Milton

Maruthancode, Tamil Nadu