He's immensely talented. But...

The world would be a far happier place if there were only full stops and no commas. This is classic verbiage which damns with faint praise. The embedded message is clearly that talent only will not help but it has to be accompanied by “qualities XYZ”. Used to discriminate against people whom a manager does not like and whom he wishes to consign to the back burner.

The market conditions are adverse; we're looking to your team to reshape them in our favour.

A coded admission that indicates the failure of all the efforts put in by the management team to win under difficult market conditions. Quite often the said adverse market conditions are a creation of the same senior folks through sins of omission or commission. The team that is being mandated to turn things around is mostly expected to provide cannon fodder for recriminations should they fail as is most likely and take the fall for the sins of their elders.