In the advertising and PR world, it’s pretty common to have someone embedded in the client’s office to manage their communication needs better. That’s not the case with the government. where usually all information flows out of Shastri Bhawan, monitored by the Press Information Bureau (PIB).

However, given the new and dynamic modes of information dissemination today, the idea of embedding Indian Information Service officers with various ministries has gained ground.

A few years back, the government was considering such a move but it was left on the back burner as many IIS officers didn’t take to it. However, it has been revived now and this time around, the voice of those favouring it seems to have gained strength.

At the heart of this debate are concerns over the role of the PIB. What will be its function if most of its officers are attached to ministries? How neutral can an officer remain if embedded with a Ministry? Who will the officers report to, the Secretary or the Minister? What will happen to the Principal Director General PIB? Who will appraise these officers — DG PIB, as is the practice now, or the Secretary of the ministry they are attached to?

IIS officers work for various media units — DD News, All India Radio, PIB, DAVP, etc — that are under the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting. They are also posted as spokespersons to various constitutional bodies such as Comptroller and Auditor General of India, Election Commission of India, as well as outfits like the Central Bureau of Investigation. They are posted across the country and sometimes abroad as well.

During their tenure at PIB these officers are posted with various ministries as spokespersons to handle the information and communication needs as well as help in policy formation. But this arrangement is usually informal. Now, with the proposal to formalise these attachments, a sense of fear has arisen whether these embedded officers will have to bow to the whims and fancies of senior officers in the ministry.

“If officers get embedded within the ministries, then, in such cases, they may not be able to take an independent and unbiased stand,” says an in-service officer who is opposed to the idea.

However, those for the move feel this will not be the case as there will be mechanisms in place and the officers can continue reporting to DG PIB. They also feel that having a room in the ministry will help.

Anil Swarup, former Secretary, HRD, feels that the move may not make much of a difference. "The existing arrangement is working pretty well. What is needed is greater professional competence through periodic upgradation of skills. This can best be done by the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting and not by any other Ministry,” he says.

Most agree that skill upgradation and expanding the resource base is the key and will solve the current challenges being faced by a PIB officer. At present, the total approved strength of the service is about 570 and there are about 470 serving officers of whom around 223 are in Prasar Bharati alone.

In tune with changing times

“Today, one PIB officer is handling more than one ministry. If you make available the resources an External Affairs spokesperson has, to handle only one ministry, then half of the problem will be solved. I don’t mean each ministry a PIB officer is handling should be given such resources, but some big ministries like Finance or a cluster of ministries can be considered,” says Frank Noronha, former Principal DG, PIB.

Noronha may have a point. For instance, during the Union Budget, for publicity, the PIB officers handling the Finance Ministry put in a requisition for more officers to handle different aspects of promotion, interviews, etc.

In fact, in the absence of good experienced PIB officers, several Ministers are hiring private public relations agencies’ advisors as their staff, who perform the role of PIB officers.

Nalin Kohli, official spokesperson for the Bharatiya Janata Party, says, “The concept of IIS happened when print media was supreme. Subsequently, electronic media emerged. The media has further evolved and to keep track with the change, cadre planning of the IIS will require a re-look. There needs to be thinking on how to deal with today’s digital transformation. It is for the government to relook at the scenario and then decide.”

Jawhar Sircar, former Civil Servant, who served as CEO, Prasar Bharati, feels that the IIS has many talented officers who should be encouraged to work in the Ministry as Joint Secretary and Additional Secretary.

“They are quite demoralised now as the Ministry does not give them adequate promotions or postings,” he says. “I had suggested that its officers should be given a choice to specialise in radio and TV and Prasar Bharati may do their postings with AIR & DD as an autonomous broadcaster needs 21st century knowledge and and not just to defend government’s policies,” he adds.

But, if embedding has to happen, then the officers should be fully empowered in order to fulfil the end purpose — ensuring that information reaches out. To begin with, it should be limited to critical ministries like PMO, Home Affairs, Finance, External Affairs, Defence, Railways, HRD, Health and Commerce. However, the step should be taken only after ensuring formation of a Directorate of Information & Public Relations structure.