Akshay Narvekar

(Founder, Bombay Shirt Company)

1. I’m not a morning person, my day begins around 7:30 am most days. That means I only get a chance to exercise post work. My day starts with tea and a couple of rusk biscuits, a roundup of newspapers and off to work.

2. My diet is a bit unconventional. Its about figuring out what works for you. I don’t cut out any type of food, but eat in moderation. My lunch is substantial around 12:30 pm, but my dinner is early and a full one around 8:30pm. I do not eat apart from and in-between these meals.

3. Sports and exercise are my main de-stressers. I play football / basketball at least a couple of days a week and a work out with my trainer in the other days. All this is post work around 7:30pm. This one hour in the day, I completely tune off and don't think work at all.

4. My first boss told me, “when you’re young, you look forward to the weekends. But when you get older, its the longer vacations that keep you going” Rather than take weekends off, I work 2-3 months at a stretch before taking a 10 day travel break.

5. My day ends with a book. Except live sporting events, I’ve substituted television time with books.