Canadian mobile handset and services company, BlackBerry has teamed up with ValueLabs, a Hyderabad-based testing tools company, for assistance in research and development (R&D).

ValueLabs is building a team under the Extended Team Model (ETM) to work closely with BlackBerry, a company executive said.

The team for BlackBerry work would be set up at ValueLabs’ new facility in the second phase of Hi-Tec City. “The team of 200 professional staff will work with various groups within BlackBerry, including test engineering and software development,” the executive said.

“The depth of our mobility and QA expertise, coupled with our Extended Team Model of engagement, will help BlackBerry realise its development objectives.” Ram Manjeri, Senior VP at ValueLabs, said.

Andhra Pradesh Information Technology Minister Ponnala Lakshmaiah said the Government was happy to know BlackBerry had chosen Hyderabad for its research work.