The West Bengal Government on Friday warned tyre maker Dunlop India that stern action would be taken if the company will not reopen its Sahaganj unit in Hooghly district within a reasonable period of time.

The State Labour Minister, Mr Purnendu Bose, said the Government had conveyed this message to the Dunlop management and also asked them to pay salary and wage arrears within seven days.

Talking to reporters at the Secretariat, Mr Bose said, “We will wait for a reasonable period of time to see the company reopen (the facility). If the management fails to do that, we will act.”

He said the 900-odd workers at Dunlop had not been paid salaries and wages for this month.

Wage delays

Mr Bose said two managerial personnel of Dunlop on Friday met the Labour Commissioner and said that they would not be able to commit on the payments issued since the company's Chairman, Mr Pawan Ruia, was not at station.

“We are deeply worried over non-payment of wages and salaries to the workers,” Bose said.

He also expressed concern over the Dunlop management's move to take out raw materials outside the factory premises. .

“If that is really required, we will allow but our officers would carry out inspection to ascertain the truth“.