Dwindling crop levels of extra long staple fibre (ELS) cotton is a cause for concern, industry experts said, calling for a pan-global effort to improve the ELS crop.

Speaking on the sidelines of the 32nd Annual General Meeting of the South India Cotton Association (SICA), Mr A Ramani, the cotton lobby's newly-elected Secretary, said ELS cotton's current year production has plunged to around 2 lakh bales. “ELS cotton requirement (in India) is roughly around 8-10 lakh bales. We import substantial volumes of Egyptian cotton and from the US,” he said.

Dwindling ELS production in countries such as India, Egypt (which is producing more of the long staple variety and reducing ELS), Sudan, member nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States and others, is a cause of worry for end consumers.

“The Government should rescue and protect Suvin, which is unique to our country. The Southern India Mills' Association's Cotton Development and Research Association has been able to restore the earlier characteristics of Suvin. Funding is required,” said Mr J Thulasidharan, the incoming President of SICA.

He said the association had suggested to the Government that a Directorate of ELS Development be set up with a funding of Rs 100 crore.