Global tea production in the fist seven months of the current calendar has fallen 3.61 per cent over the same period of last year, reveals an analysis of the latest data available from various producing countries.

“According to our compilation, production totalled 885.12 million kg (mkg) against 918.30 mkg last year,” Mr Rajesh Gupta, Director, Global Tea Brokers, told Business Line . This shortfall of 33.18 mkg marks a decline of 3.61 per cent.

The bulk of the shortfall of 32.60 mkg has occurred in Kenya where the production has dipped to 204.81 mkg. Indonesia has posted a decline of 8.50 mkg to dip to 37.30 mkg. Malawi's production declined by 2.70 mkg to 34.50 and Sri Lanka's by 1.10 to total 195.60 mkg.

All other countries have posted an increase.