Coromandel International, a Murugappa group company that provides agri solutions, has given away 200 drones to women self-help groups (SHGs) under the Centre’s “Namo Drone Didi” scheme. The beneficiaries belong to Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Karnataka.

Also read: Coromandel’s agri-drone spraying initiative covers 16,000 acres

The drones were formally delivered to the women SHGs at a function organised at Manikyammaguda in Rangareddy district, and Guntur in Andhra Pradesh. These were part of the 1,000 drones virtually handed over to beneficiaries from across the country.

“We have trained the beneficiaries in operating the drones for agricultural purposes. The drones were manufactured by the company’s subsidiary Dhaksha Unmanned Systems,” a company official said here on Monday. The drones, which come with anti-collision technology, can cover 30 acres of spraying in a day.