India and the European Union have signed a Rs 80-crore (about €12-million) agreement to recycle industrial and domestic waste water to provide water for irrigation purposes.

Besides, the two sides would work on other products that come out of waste water and also on the efficient use of water under the Water4Crops-India project.

The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) will lead one of the two consortia with 34 member companies, universities and research organisations.

The Union Department of Bio Technology and six EU countries contributed Rs 40 crore each for the four-year project.

The Indian consortia include The Energy Research Institute (TERI), National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), Euro India Research Centre, MS Swaminathan Research Foundation, SABMiller and Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd.

“The consortium will be working on three types of industrial waste water mainly from the Charminar Breweries of SABMiller in India in Andhra Pradesh; Onion and Fruit Processing Plant at JISL, Jalgaon in Maharashtra; and the sugar factory from Ugar Sugar in Karnataka,” Suhas P. Wani of ICRISAT, who is leading the Indian consortium, told reporters here on Tuesday.