More than one kg out of every three kgs of tea that India imported so far this year came from Nepal, reveals an analysis of the latest information available with Tea Board and importers' organisations.

Between January and July, the latest period for which official data is available, India imported 9.42 million kg (mkg) against 11.64 mkg in the corresponding period last year. This fall of 2.22 mkg showed a decline of 19.07 per cent in the imported volume.

However, the price of imported tea rose to Rs 96.89 a kg from Rs 89.38. This increase of Rs 7.51 marked a gain of 8.40 per cent.

Still, because of the sharp decline in volume, India's overall tea import bill reduced to Rs 91.28 crore from Rs 103.07 crore. This reduction of Rs 11.79 crore posted a decline of 11.33 per cent.

Of the 9.42 mkg imported, as much as 3.50 mkg came from Nepal. This accounts for 37.15 per cent thereby proving that more than one kg out of every three kg of imported tea came from Nepal.

Last year also, tea import from Nepal was at the same level but that time, it accounted for 30.15 per cent of the total import of 11.64 mkg. Now, the price had fallen to Rs 85.92 from Rs 90.46. Consequently, India's import bill to Nepal has fallen to Rs 30.13 crore from Rs 31.75 crore.

Kenya supplied the second highest volume of 2.52 mkg (2010: 1.76 mkg) at Rs 121.67 a kg (Rs 128.31) accounting for a bill of Rs 30.61 crore (Rs 22.55 cr). This was the highest import bill paid by India to any importer this year.

India paid the highest price of Rs 154.39 a kg (Rs 143.22) to Sri Lanka followed by Rs 150.37 (Rs 104.85) to China.

In all, India imported tea from about 14 sources including some trading, not producing, sources.