As onion prices crossed ₹100 a kg in certain localities in the capital, the government on Wednesday decided to relax fumigation and endorsement conditions for onions imported from other countries to ensure expedited delivery of the bulb.

“In the light of public concern over high prices of onions in the market, the Ministry of Agriculture has decided to allow relaxation from the condition of fumigation and endorsement on PSC (phytosanitation certificate) as per the Plant Quarantine Order, 2003 for onion imports upto 30th November 2019,” an official statement said.

Also read:Onion price rise 45 per cent to Rs 80/kg in Delhi in one week

However the ministry has imposed certain conditions including that the importer fumigated the staple vegetable in India through an accredited treatment provider. The consignment would be inspected thoroughly by quarantine officials and released only if found free from pests and diseases of concern to India, the statement said.

Besides, the consignments will not be subjected to additional inspection fees -- which is four times that of normal inspection fee -- on account of non compliance of conditions of import under the PQ Order, the ministry instructed the ports.

Earlier in the day, Food and Consumer Affairs Minister Ram Vilas Paswan requested the Agriculture Minister to relax import norms for onions as there is a genuine shortage of onions in the country. According to Paswan, the retail prices of onions have gone up because the production of kharif onion crop this year has come down by 30 to 40 per cent due to heavy rains in areas where the crop is grown. According to sources, onion imports are expected from Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran and Turkey in the coming days.