Reacting to the Budget proposals Suresh Senapaty, Executive Director & Chief Financial Officer, Wipro, said the five aspects of the Budget that stood out were:

1. Continuity and emphasis on reducing cost of doing business. The Budget exhibited continuity in terms of setting tighter targets for the fiscal deficit, while charting reforms such as GST and DTC. Schemes of the previous Government including MGNREGA were continued with reforms to ensure that expenditure not only led to employment guarantee, but also creation of productive assets for the rural economy.

2. Generating demand and promoting savings. Rationalisation of personal taxation to generate demand and improve the rate of savings.

3. Focus on development. Investment in skill development, infrastructure, manufacturing and the tourism sector and promotion of FDI and PPP.

4. Sustainability: Encourage investments in renewable energy, water resources and waterways as well as expand initiatives for the benefit of women to ensure sustainable and inclusive development.

5. Technology: The ‘Digital India’ programme aimed at taking broadband connectivity to villages, providing IT skill training and the e-governance mode of service delivery to ensure that the benefits of the information technology revolution reach every citizen.

The Budget has given a roadmap and set a direction. The key priority for the Government now ought to be execution, execution and execution.