Hit by ABG-LDA’s exit from operation of mechanised berths, the Kolkata Port Trust on Monday sought help of end-users in ensuring cargo operations and revenue flow. According to a senior KoPT official, the proposals include deployment of floating crane for trans-loading through private party. Though still in ideating stage, the proposals may at best bring home a revenue of Rs 70 a tonne against Rs 152 offered by ABG-LDA.

To avoid a financial crisis, the port has also approached users such as NTPC for higher share of cargo.

NTPC is currently implementing a trans-loading project to ship over three million tonnes of coal through the river, bypassing port operations. The project would fetch KoPT a mere Rs 15 a tonne.

In a meeting with the end-users and chambers of commerce, KoPT requested NTPC to send a substantial share of cargo to the Haldia dock complex apart from trans-loading.

A KoPT source on anonymity said “In the entire process, while the Haldia port will get additional cargo, inland waterways and railways will be benefited. If need be, the port authority is ready to forego the trans-loading fee of Rs 15 a tonne or give other concessions,” he added.
