Even as the Tamil Nadu government ropes in popularly known macro and development economists to spur economic growth, the State could ensure all-inclusive growth by following PHG-nomics model, says a document titled “Glorious Tamil Nadu - #1 Growth State by 2025” prepared by See Change Consulting.

“GDP as a measure of growth is a bit dated and does not give room for aspirational dimensions beyond 'financial measures'. There is a need to build a new growth index, called the PHG Index, constituting Peace, Happiness & Growth. Tamil Nadu's real growth will happen when the grass roots grow. Hence, we see this as a model for the well-being of every citizen in the State” said S. Prakash, Management expert cum Founder & CEO, See Change Consulting.

Without one of these three pillars not existing in one's life, the other two become meaningless. "For a moment, step back and ask yourself this question. Can Growth alone give me lasting peace & happiness? Or Can I just be peaceful and happy without having Growth? Each of the three in equal measure is essential to assess the success of any Government and not just economic measure alone," he added.

Growth index

Growth index talks about equal access to world class education to all, more and more of self-employment and nurturing of entrepreneurship, building a vibrant sport, arts & crafts focused education which shall allow full expression of hidden talents, instilling a sense of innovation and creativity, making research hubs in each district to foster this. The State’s agriculture wealth, industrial production and wealth (across manufacturing, trading & knowledge sectors) should be doubled in 5 years.

While Happiness Index, mentions about the access to inexpensive, high class health service to all, equal access to high class education that allows blossoming of one's choice based, true potential, individual financial freedom, Peace index discusses the need to bring about true equality between men and women, reduce ecological stress and ensuring peaceful coexistence of all, irrespective of their faiths, based on the principles of the Constitution.

The paper also discusses the areas relating to execution of programmes and plans.

Periodical review

Chief Minister M K Stalin should set measurable goals, plans and periodical review systems for all ministries and bureaucrats. The new government should also work towards building a collaborative model of decision making across key stakeholders in the State, built around the fundamentals of mutual trust and respect, said Prakash.

It is not power, it is not authority, but it is 'Influence' that will work in executing decisions across all spectrums, added Prakash.

The government should work at grassroot levels to build a 'Unified Culture', not giving place for a 'Divisive Culture'.

The State government could also work towards building a lasting global image for the State, its CM and the people he represents. The time is ripe now to bring systemic changes, he said.