Apple has bought Particle (, a San Francisco-based creative consulting company specialising in Web development based on HTML5.

According to CNET, “Particle was founded in early 2008 and has some celebrity financial backing. Pop star-turned-actor Justin Timberlake is an investor and helped fund short social video service, which Particle created.”

CNET said sources with knowledge of the deal did not know the selling price.

Says Cnet: “As for the purpose of the buy, Apple has put a big focus on HTML5 on its product pages, iAd advertising, and on, which serves as one of the only places Apple has true Web applications.”

Particle describes itself as “a growing professional services business in creative concept work, visual and user experience design, and technical implementation. Its founders have a significant history with digital creative consultancy both directly with clients like Apple, Disney, Sony, Sony Ericsson, Google, Yahoo! and through work in agencies like The Barbarian Group and Frog Design.

“Particle brings positive and energetic relationships with Google and the Chrome team specifically, as well as great Apple relationships and execution experience around iAds, iTunes Extras, and We have participated in and piloted much of the technology which will display the next generation of advertising and deliver media content for the next decade.”

Neither Particle’s nor Apple’s Web sites have information on the deal.