Indian video game streaming platform Rheo has recorded a 200 per cent per day increase in new users and witnessed a jump in the number of downloads of its Android mobile app.

This was due to the coronavirus-induced lockdown across the country in the past few months and the recent ban on 59 Chinese-origin mobile apps imposed by the Government, Rheo said in a statement.

“Game streaming, a fairly new concept in India, is emerging as a great alternative to the existing other sources of entertainment for the commoners. As soon as the gamut of Chinese apps got banned in India due to data security concerns, the audience started actively looking out for new sources of entertainment via Made-in-India platforms,” Saksham Keshri, Founder & CEO, Rheo said.

“This helped Rheo in gaining wider reach through word-of-mouth, and hence we have noticed a sudden boom in traffic and new downloads for our mobile app,” Keshri added.

As of date, Rheo has over 50,000 registered streamers and the platform streams the gameplay of over 100 different games.