City-based payment solutions provider, DigitSecure, has launched online and mobile social wallet platform for money transfer and payments service

The e-Wallet service, HotRemit, would facilitate money transfers between Facebook and Black Berry mobile users on a real-time basis in a secured manner, Krishna Prasad, Chairman, DigitSecure told newspersons here on Wednesday.

``Our platform also enables small and medium businesses to engage socially with their customers and to receive payments,’’ he said. The service which is being offered free for now, would require registration from the users.

For example, a Facebook user can register instantly with simple details to make a money transfer or any other payment. The receiver should also have a registration and money would be transferred instantly to the intended accounted, he added.

They need to login or download anything while on the Facebook.

DigitSecure was one of firms which were authorised by the Reserve Bank of India and also had required certifications for secure credit, debit card processing, Prasad said.

HotRemit would be also launched shortly across all mobile platforms and also for mobile browser access, which would enable small and medium businesses engage socially with their customers and increase business by simplifying payments.