Twitterwill add an official label to some verified accounts that will distinguish Twitter Blue accounts and verified accounts. 

Twitter’s director of product management, Esther Crawford tweeted, “We’re introducing the “Official” label to select accounts when we launch.”

 “Accounts that will receive it include government accounts, commercial companies, business partners, major media outlets, publishers, and some public figures,” Crawford added. 

Subscription to Twitter Blue will feature a blue check badge next to the account name, while select accounts will have a grey ‘official’ badge on their profile as shared by Crawford. According to reports, not all previously verified accounts will get the official label, and neither the label is available for purchase. 

“The new Twitter Blue does not include ID verification — it’s an opt-in, paid subscription that offers a blue checkmark and access to select features. We’ll continue to experiment with ways to differentiate between account types,” Crawford said in the Twitter thread. 

TechCrunch reported that an app researcher Nima Owji spotted the feature in development less than a week ago. 

Also read: Twitter rules will evolve over time, says Elon Musk