Kochi based MOAT Financial Services Private Ltd, a SEBI registered Portfolio Management Services (PMS) firm, has launched a new PMS Fund named Emerging MOAT Fund.

The fund, unlike its peers, would be focusing on relatively small emerging moat companies which are thriving in their domains by building near-to-permanent competitive advantage.  

“Our goal is to identify and invest at the early stages of under-valued and relatively unknown companies, that have the inherent potential to scale up to the position of greater valuation due to their uniqueness and greatness”, said Biju John, Founder and Managing Director of MOAT Financial Services Pvt ltd.

Perfect candidates

“These companies are in the process of building multiple moats around them which makes them perfect candidates to dominate their industry and market. We are looking to invest in businesses that are ahead of the curve,” Fasal, Chief Operating Officer said.    

The focus of the Emerging MOAT Fund is not to invest in top Nifty companies, but in companies that will become part of the Nifty leaders in the next few years. Such companies create wealth for investors, Ramakrishnan, Director, Research Analyst Division said.

“The funds’ focus is on such high conviction, mid-cap/small-cap multi-bagger stocks.

We aim to identify and invest in small, efficient businesses with a great competitive advantage, run by smart, visionary, and ambitious leaders that can become the next mega trendsetters”, said Suraj Nair, Founder and Executive Director.