Over 660 Indian nationals evacuated from Yemen arrived home by two IAF planes and a special Air India flight last night, taking the total number of evacuees who have been safely brought back from the strife-torn country to 1,022.

While two Indian Air Force planes carrying 334 people landed in Mumbai past 11 pm, a special Air India flight with 330 Indians reached Kochi airport post midnight.

They were part of the evacuees who were brought to Djibouti from Sanaa yesterday.

The two Air Force C-17 Globemasters, which landed in Mumbai carried among others, 306 evacuees — 251 men, 38 women, 17 children — rescued by Navy vessel INS Sumitra.

In Kochi, the evacuees, including nurses and workers, were welcomed at the airport by Kerala Minister for Diaspora K C Joseph along with state government officials.

On Thursday, 358 Indians evacuated from Yemen were brought home by two IAF planes. The first plane carrying 168 people, mostly nurses from Kerala, had landed at Kochi airport, while the second plane carrying 190 Indian nationals had landed in Mumbai.

Yemen has been witnessing fierce battle between Saudi-led coalition and Shiite rebels, who have battled their way into the heart of the country’s main southern city Aden where fighting raged in the former stronghold of President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi who has fled overseas.