The Andhra Pradesh Government has come out with austerity measures in the newly created residual State citing tough financial situation.

The State Finance Minister Yanamala Ramakrishnudu through a Government Order has taken decisions to observe fiscal discipline and financial prudence in Government departments.

This is keeping in view the deficit revenue caused due to bifurcation of the State and to meet the funds required for various development and welfare programmes.

All the State department heads and those in the Secretariat have been directed to follow the instructions scrupulously. Right from use of vehicles, including hired vehicles, holding conferences in five star hotels, and foreign visits at the cost of state exchequer will not be allowed.

Various departments have been advised to critically review the necessity of continuing the permitted number of outsourcing staff and explore if they can be served by reducing the number.

The Government has also banned purchase of new vehicles and air travel has been limited to those who draw salary above Rs 80,000.