Chief Minister Oommen Chandy may be accorded ‘Z’ category security cover after Sunday’s events in Kannur when his motorcade came under attack, inflicting minor injuries on him.

Chandy was bruised in the forehead, chest and lower limb in stone-throwing, allegedly by the Opposition Left Democratic Front activists in Kannur as part of their six-month-old campaign against him on the solar panel scam.

A final decision on beefing up security for him would be taken only after consultations with the Chief Minister, Home Minister Thiruvanchoor Radhakrishnan said here.

Chandy is known to be averse to the idea of being surrounded by security and has often observed in public that ‘he feels at home in the midst of people.’

Rest advised

Meanwhile, doctors attending on him at the Government Medical College here have advised the visibly tired Chief Minister complete rest for at least three days.

After being administered emergency aid in Kannur, he was flown to the Capital in the early hours of Monday and taken straight to the medical college.

The Chief Minister underwent a series of medical tests, and was cleared on all counts except the bruises. The Home Minister alleged that the attack on the Chief Minister was pre-planned. The Opposition volunteers conveniently took the cover of ‘black-flag demonstrations’ to resort to violence, the Minister said. At least 207 police personnel too have been injured so far at various places.

But the Minister dismissed arguments suggesting that a security lapse may have led to the incident. In fact, ‘unprecedented’ security measures were taken in view of adverse intelligence report, he said.

Radhakrishnan said 21 CPI(M) activists were arrested.