Ridiculing Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Punjab visit, Congress President Rahul Gandhi said here on Thursday that Modi went there to escape questions in Parliament on the Rafale scam.

The Amethi MP also urged students of Lovely University, where the PM attended a programme, to question himon the deal.

Questioning the PM

“So it seems our PM has fled Parliament and his own open-book Rafale exam, and is instead lecturing students at Lovely University in Punjab, today. I request the students there to, respectfully, ask him to please answer the four questions posed to him by me yesterday,” Rahul said in a post on Twitter. On Wednesday, Rahul had asked Modi to answer some questions on Rafale: “Why 36 aircraft, instead of the 126 the IAF needed? Why ₹1,600 crore instead of ₹560 crore per aircraft? Why AA (Anil Ambani) instead of HAL?”

He also asked Modi to elaborate on the fact that Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar keeps a Rafale file in his bedroom and what information is inside it. Addressing reporters on Thursday, Rahul reiterated his demand for a Joint Parliamentary Committee probe on Rafale. “Let us have a JPC, let us have the discussion in the JPC and see what comes out. We are very confident that the moment JPC is there, there will be two people whose names will come up — one will be Anil Ambani and the second will be Narendra Modi,” Rahul said.