The Federation of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FTAPCCI) will set up an incubator for startups.

"We recognise the need for promoting and encouraging startups top create an environment for self-employment. The incubator will go a long way in creating that environment," FTAPCCI President Ravindra Modi has said.

Addressing the centenary celebrations of the chambers her on Friday, he said experts from the trade and industry will handhold the startups incubated at the facility.

President Pranab Mukherjee, who is on a winter sojourn in Hyderabad, participated in the celebrations.

He said the chambers would also set up an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) centre to help resolve the knotty issues of the fraternity.

Marking the centenary celebrations, the FTAPCCI would also propose to set up Entrepreneurship Development Centre to promote entrepreneurship in the two states.

The chambers, which used to be called FAPCCI, changed its name to FTAPCCI after the State was bifurcated in June 2014.

E S L Narasimhan, the Governor of Andhra and Telangana, was also present.