As many as 71 textile mills in this region have opted for 24x7 energy monitoring systems (EMS) to plug energy leakage, save transmission and distribution loss and improve efficiency standards.

Indian Texpreneurs Federation (ITF), which had initiated the discussion and helped mills negotiate as a group, perceives that such monitoring system is the need of the hour, as it helps assess machine health and operating practices on a daily basis.

“Energy audits are done once every six months, which is when the mill management wakes up to the huge energy loss and often not unless there is a major breakdown, forcing the management to attend to the fault immediately,” Prabhu Damodaran, Secretary, ITF explained, emphasising the need for energy monitoring system.

He further pointed out that the machine to machine variation, particularly in ring frame area, was close to 10 per cent at times due to alignment loss and friction loss due to poor bearings.

“EMS will help operate the mill with less overhead during lean period, replace old bearings in ring frame on time,” he said citing a study which revealed that a ring frame consumes 1,000 units a day and the variation if not noticed in each machine can go up to 10 per cent (about 100 units per day per machine) and for a 25,000 spindleage unit, the loss could work out to 10,000 units a month.