Tractors and Farm Equipment Ltd (TAFE), a leading tractor manufacturer in the country, has entered into a collaboration with the UK-based Harper Adams University to develop sustainable farming models that work for both marginal and large farms.

The Agriculture Engineering Precision and Innovation (Agri-EPI) Centre of The Harper Adams University (HAU) is one of the four National Centres for Agricultural Innovation. With the support from the UK government, it has been working on providing engineering and precision agriculture solutions for the agri-food industry.

The collaboration will include joint research projects and programmes, joint publications and staff exchanges. The areas of research will focus on agriculture, engineering and technology development programmes on autonomous farming and energy- efficient implements.

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) systems and sensor technologies, and the hands-free hectare project to be implemented at JFarm India – TAFE’s adaptive agriculture research centre.

“This collaboration will provide opportunities for developing a range of advanced training skills, learning and the promotion of international technology transfer and exchange,” said TR Kesavan, President & Chief Operating Officer, TAFE.

Engineers from TAFE have moved into the new Agri-EPI Centre on the Harper Adams University campus to work on the centre’s first major research and development project.

It’s great to know that young and enthusiastic team of engineers from TAFE’s Centre of Excellence are here in the UK where we are about to start our first collaborative engineering project,” said Harper Adams University engineering lecturer, Kit Franklin.