It’s that time of the year again, when you bid goodbye to both - the summer heat and the holidays. But back-to-school- doesn't always have to mean getting back to the grind. Shake things up, and try a new trick or two to ace through this academic year. Whether you’re in school, or your kids are, or its college that’s calling you back, here are a few apps that can make classroom life a little bit more easy to handle.

Grammly If you’re old enough to own a phone, you’re old enough to know the difference between 'their' and 'there'. But in the off chance that these kinds of obvious little doubts leave you stumped and fearing the grammar nazi, Grammly is the kind of app you need to keep handy. Revise lessons, figure out verbs and adverbs, and figure out English grammar till you’re a pro. But do watch out for the annoying ads that pop up every few minutes.

SimpleMind Free Have a thousand-word essay looming in front of you and you’re still stuck with the summertime blues? A mind map is the easiest way to get out of this rut, and get your brain out of the freezer. An app like SimpleMind lets you do it on your phone, with colourful tools and a simple interface that is reminiscent of MS Paint (in a good way). Make little thought bubbles, connect them, add notes at random, and clear your mind. A useful app when pen and paper aren’t always handy.

Duolingo If you’re having trouble learning French and verb declensions put you to sleep, download Duolingo to help you learn. The super-intuitive app is easy to use and the pace is set by your level, making it comfortable for all learners. You can even set reminders to do a five-minute course everyday, and the simple repetitive method of learning will ensure a better hold on the language of your choice – from Spanish to Turkish, English speakers have nine options. The app now comes with a school version that lets you share progress with a teacher using email, making it easier to chart development.

Off Time All these apps are well and good, but the thing about acing school is that you need to shut down your phone and hit the books – and you can't do this if there are Whatsapp pings distracting you. And if self-control is something you’re still learning, then an app that helps you disconnect might be the next best thing. Off Time, for example, is a great way to ensure you get some phone-less quality time with your books. Use it to mute notifications, block calls and restrict apps with a tailored profile to ensure nothing shows up in your taskbar – unless its marked as important.