Daydreaming is an A-list tool for creative flashes, emotional well-being and physical health. Fantasy is power.

Let’s say you’re confused. You’ve been offered a job in another company. It’s better paying and more challenging, but the company is a fledgling — it could shut down tomorrow. Your current job is boring, the pay is nothing to shout about, but it’s secure.

All this mental to-and-fro leaves you stressed. That’s because you’ve painted a dismal picture of both jobs, and put yourself in a twilight zone. It’s like this: In daylight, everything is visible — you don’t doubt what’s there. In darkness, nothing is visible, and what you can’t see doesn’t bother you. But when it’s half-light and half-dark, doubts bubble up. Is that a rope or a snake?

This is where positive daydreaming helps. Think about the beautiful possibilities of the new job: Challenges that you enjoy; a boss who appreciates your inputs… Now, transfer this positivity to your current job — something new arises, and your boss realises you’re the right person for it. You are given a higher status, a pay hike…

Which of the scenarios makes you feel more relaxed? When you replace fear with aspirations, you feel free. And you will be able to make a decision with conviction.

Now, get into dynamic daydreaming. Put down what you’ve imagined in words: Exciting possibilities open up. I’m being appreciated. Read it every day with belief. Have complete faith in your personal power. Give no scope for the inner critic.

Daydreaming is seen as a power tool in psychological, health, and management circles, because it opens avenues to unexplored perspectives and possibilities, and hones the critical voice into a creative vibration.

Use daydreaming to set your life on a healthy, positive, fulfilling track. Sit comfortably, or go outdoors. As you relax, give the mind two key entry-points:

What do I want? It is very important that your dreams be very positive, even fantastic. Never use the word ‘but’— it infuses doubt. Imagine saying, “I want my mother to get well, but…” — see how hopeless that sounds! Instead, use ‘and’: “I want my mother to get well and…”

Aha! Endless possibilities open up! The next step is to fulfil the possibilities with the question: How about? “How about researching the Net for new remedies?”

Let the ‘I want’ and ‘how about’ ideas float and dance in your head. Either in the daydream session, or when you’re back to your routine, something beautiful and reverberates and takes shape. You see, unless we give ourselves the leeway to think on fantastic lines, we’ll never move to the next level, or experience the breathtaking heights, and depths of life.

The writer is co-author of the bookFitness for Life.